Recent portfolios: 2017

portfolio for models Archerphoto professional photographer Valencia Spain

It’s being a quite productive season. If I was doing a lot of videos during the winter, now the portfolios for models, sessions and photos are being a more important part of the work. And they are, without doubt, good fun and in general, very interesting. It is true that in many cases there are topics such as makeup, hairdressing and subsequent editing are a more laborious job than a report of an event, but it is worth it.

Of the sessions, all of them in Spain and most of them in Valencia, some have been boudoir photography, other conventional books and some other professional session. There are also some things that just do not fit here, because they are more private in scope, and there are also other photos that belong to ongoing projects that are not finished and I prefer not to show yet. In some cases work was for a model, in one for a dancer and in another for a person who did not dedicate himself professionally to the image, but in every case we make the maximum effort to obtain the best result.

As I often find, my option for many of the photos final result looks better to me in old black and white. I still can not explain easily why.

books, sesiones y fotos en Valencia, Barcelona, Tarragona, Teruel, Zaragoza y Pamplona
Carolina, mayo de 2017.

In any case, in addition to videos, portfolios, sessions and photos, and all my work as a portrait photographer, the topic of SEO positioning is taking me an important time. I’ll probably have some invited contributions in the coming months.

You can contact me at or on +34 644459753. I don’t always have dates available, so contact me as soon as possible. I don’t just shoot portfolios for models but also business, real estate and corporate photography. In Valencia, in other places in Spain, Europe or wherever.

portfolio photo professional photographer Valencia Spain
I leave here an additional gallery and links about portfolios, model work and portraits that may prove useful. I hope you’ll like them.

What’s the use of a model’s portfolio?

Do I need professional pictures to work as a model?


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

portrait professional photographer

Such as the mysterious title that heads this post could hide almost anything. Rather not. Rather are some pictures of this year I feel like showing. Some were shot with the EOS 5D Mark III and others with my NX500 that every time I like more. Although the EVIL cameras have their limitations in terms of speed of use (the autofocus is not as fast, and least in my case, because I am usually using manual  lenses and there is nothing like auto-focus with them), I find specially charming it weights a third of my ultra reliable and ultraversatile 5D Mark III.

The point is shooting portraits is one of the disciplines that most attracts us photographers. Though today selfies are very fashionable, the portraits taken by someone else  have additional values. Especially when we photographers shoot, because we look at different ways that most people do not take into account and that factors appear ultimately in the final result. And yes, I have a special fondness for black and white, but I think it’s just a slightly harmful vice, except for some ink manufacturers. In any case, as I hope all the world to see on the computer screen, there is not much problem with it.


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

Fotografp Valencia retrato
Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
Carlos, 2015
Archerphoto: Professional Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
María, 2015


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I ),portrait photographer
Nadia, 2015


María P. by Archerphoto,portrait photographer

I am Sergi Albir, professional portrait photographer. If you need good pictures, contact me. I work mostly in Valencia, Spain, but if you cover the travel expenses you can count on me anywhere it takes. My email: and my phone with Whatsapp and Telegram, +3464459753

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