Photo session in studio

Determining the type of lighting is always a small dilemma. I tend to be a supporter of working outdoors with natural lighting. I often use a reflector to help me, but while lighting results are lovely, most of the time the reflector must be handled by a person. And for a photo shoot in studio I am in favor of using continuous lighting.

That said, continuous lighting has advantages and disadvantages, and flashes, too. So I have to keep doing tests, as in this session with Mariana Uscanga, from which I show you the results. I used several flashes, filters and reflectors. If there is an amateur photographer who would like to know the setting used, I will have to disappoint him. I took many photos, many experiments, I moved everything and there was not one setting, but a bunch of them. And of course, I did not wrote them up. I do not usually release photography tutorials because there is a lot of competition. Producing them usually has a job much greater than what people imagine. So a hug to the photographers who take that effort and  I send for them my recognition and respect.


photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain

Once the photo session is finished …

After a photo session in studio, one must apply in the editing work. In many of these cases, one of the tasks is in the selection of which are the photos we want, because there are often many similar ones. About the selection it is important to decide, more or less, what we are going to do, so that the work does not become too long. In this case, the idea was to keep the interest in the model totally. Eliminating any detail left over from the background was a priority. Then, the control of the tones is another crucial question. And as some of the photos will end, badly that I regret, on Instagram, it was also appropriate to leave them ready for that application.

photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain, fitness photographer

Mariana had enough patience not to kill me even though there were many experiments, a few disasters and a significant number of repetitions. But probably you will agree with me that the temper and endurance of this Mexican model had a fair reward.

photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain, commercial photographer

I’m Sergi Albir, professional photographer. If you want a photo shoot in studio, outdoors, or you have a company, or an event, or you want me to record a video of a turtle submerging, or whatever you can think of, you can contact me at +34 644459753 (better by WhatsApp) or

photo session in studio, photographer, Valencia, Spain

Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain

Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain

I am a professional commercial photographer in Valencia, Spain. I also do other things, but I mainly dedicated to making professional photography and video. I’ve tried different kinds of photography: portrait, portfolio, press, fashion, ads, beauty, NGOs, buildings, and I’ve been shooting in different cities. Even in different countries. But most of my work as a professional photographer it has been in Valencia. I’ve got a small studio, but I try to shoot outside whenever I can, because Valencia has a really friendly weather. Our February is an awful month to shoot, but all the rest is really OK. You can find some samples of my pictures in this page, but feel free to ask me if you need to check any particular kind of photography. I’ve got a full archive and I can license most of my pictures if you need them.

Some of  my pics are here, and you can find more of them in my Flickr.

Anna Kurika, actress, in her portfolio with Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Anna Kurika, actress
Professional Commercial Photographer Spain Valencia
Gema, model
Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain


Photographer in Valencia, Spain




Commercial photographer in Spain
Good morning!
Photographer for dancers, models, actresses and actors in Spain
Ava dancing

Professional commercial photographer, Valencia, Spain. If you want pictures, you can contact me via Whatsapp or Telegram in 6444 5 9753 or e-mail: sergi@a
. I am usually in Valencia, Spain, but I usually I move to whatever the place.

professional photographer portrait business spain
Carlos Castelló, actor


Mercado de Colón, Valencia

Valencia is my home town and it’s where I live now. Sun, beach, colorful place and funny people. On the other hand we’ve got some issues with our politicians but, then again, who hasn’t?

Valencia is a 800,000 inhabitants  city on the shore of Mediterranean Sea. If you include the metropolitan area you can count about 1,300,000. Mostly flat, as long as an important part of the area was desecated from a lagoon, the Albufera de Valencia. The Albufera is partially wet and it’s the only protected natural space in a capital in a UE city. Or I read that some time ago.

Mercado de Colón, Valencia by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Mercado de Colón, Valencia by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain

Valencia is very famous for the Fallas, giant monuments made of cardboard and wood that are exposed in the street during less than 1o days.  After that they are burnt  in March 19th, Saint Joseph. It’s kind a way of a good-bye to the winter. The festivities are popular, but you can find a growing social pressure against it. Lots of problems with traffic and the constant fireworks and explosions happening. People hurt by fireworks, wasted money, social discussions. Yeah, I’m one of the people who disagrees with the festivities, I’m not trying to be impartial.

Architecture in Valencia

The cultural inheritage is really important. Valencia was a kingdom some centuries ago and was integrated in Aragon Crown and after that in Spain. Palaces, religious and civil buildings are very important, and also contemporary architecture. Most important civil Gothic building in the world, Silk Exchange, is inside Valencia.

There is also a cathedral, important baroque palaces (Marqués de Dos Aguas). Architecture in Valencia is  really interesting. As a commercial photographer in Spain, when I have some time I love to shoot those buildings.


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Some more pics in

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