Four black and white pictures


I wanted to show four black and white pictures. When I began to write this post, I hadn’t any particular idea, just to display some photo I shot during this years. I will do the same with some focused themes, but at this moment I just wanted to show those. They had already been seen in Flickr by lots of people, but as long as you haven’t seen them yet, the idea is working perfectly.

First pic is simply a moment in a rainy day in Valencia. We’ve had a really mild winter, but suddenly Spring turned grayer and colder. Not terribly, however.

Rainy day, by Archerphoto, photographer in Spain.
Rainy day.

My second picture is a compressed view of Madrid. I am beginning to like the city. It’s being slow, however, because I’ve always liked Barcelona much more. However, this pic would look better the bigger.

Madrid, from Archerphoto, professional photographer

Walking around all day with a camera pays off. A dumpster, a Samsung NX1000 and a wonderful Minolta Rokkor F1.2 and, well, the results are there.

Broken, by Archerphoto, professional photographer
Broken in a dumpster


My fourth picture didn’t had much interest in Flickr. I like the result, showing old London and the new constructions behind. Kind of having everything well acquainted to look to the future.

Barge from the Thames, London by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain
Barge from the Thames

I am a professional photographer. If you need pictures, please contact me: or +34 644459753 (Whatsapp and Telegram available).

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