Photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia

Photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia

I want to show a bit of the photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia. There are days when everything goes well. And days that have not even started, go wrong and everything works out. Get up at four in the morning with one eye crying and think that you are going to get another stye the size of a duck egg (this happens to me from time to time and it does not seem to be serious, but it does show and drama), fix it and That later an interesting session like the one I did with Leticia Serrano comes out is the kind that makes me think that almost everything can be fixed.

Photo session in Valencia with Leticia by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Spain

As usual, Nadia Alba took care of the makeup and that is always a safety net. Sometimes I work without a professional makeup artist, but in general, that usually means fewer suitable photos. That is why I always try to have that factor, because in the end, what counts are the results.

In this case we combine a part of online fitness photography and the ther part was in a different point of view, more like boudoir . The light scheme was different, and in the fitness ones, obviously, the idea was to highlight the details of Leticia’s musculature, which is spectacular and the result of long and intense work: she does not compete in any category but remains in one category. similar line throughout the year. Best of all, despite not having much experience on camera, he quickly adapted to the issues necessary for the shoot. Returning to the light, it is not only the position, but the type of light used, which usually offers different results. Using tungsten is energy inefficient (these lights use a lot) but for some jobs it is almost essential.

Leticia understood the working method and that allowed us to get a good amount of material, which later had to be chosen. Actually, this is one of the parts where a session sometimes runs aground: if the choice is not appropriate, everything else can be hidden. Literally. But a relatively small part of the session is always processed.

So far the photoshoot in Valencia with Leticia. If you want to follow her, she is on Instagram as @sick0fhappiness and offers personal trainings in Albacete, but she has a limit in terms of the number of people she can take simultaneously, so hurry up to contact her. If what you need are photos, I am Sergi Albir and I am a professional photographer. My email is and my WhatsApp and Telegram are +34 644459753. On Instagram, @archerphoto and @archerphoto2 .

One thing more: you can read this post in Spanish: Sesión de fotos en València con Leticia.

Photo session in Valencia with Leticia by Sergi Albir, professional photographer

María José in 2012: Revised photo session

We photographers are fickle and we change our minds with respect to many things, but above all with respect to our photos. Once you have made a session, you choose the photos and leave them on the hard disk. If enough time passes, when you look at them again, the photos have not changed, but you have. So you think that some of the ones that did not convince you in the initial moment now do like you, and that many of the ones you chose are not what motivate you the most.And even those that you did like you think you would process them differently.

You can read this same article in Spanish.

María José in 2012: Revised photo session

This is because we change and our tools too. The software evolves, the screen works better (usually it does, although in my case I have not changed it for years because it works well), and the criteria evolve. Being a professional photographer has these things.

María José in 2012: Revised photo session

María José in 2012: Revised photo session

So, well, while I was looking for other things I found this session on the hard drive and decided it was a good time to recover some photos and upload them and make a post. The location is the Palau del Mar hotel in Valencia, a place that has a special meaning for me and that is splendid to make a photo session of this kind. I value elegance and the place has it, without being especially pretentious. Like María José. Nadia Alba took care of makeup and styling. When I uploaded the photos the first time I saw more practical to use Flickr to display them and now they are not there anymore. But they were almost all in color. In this case I have decided on black and white, which gives a more timeless look.

To contact me an email to or a Whatsapp to +34644459753 are two ideal ways. So we can start preparing your photo session today. I do different types of photography and video, so if you look at the menu you will probably find what you need. And not only that, I also make other types of content that can help you have more and better traffic on your website. I hope this post “María José in 2012: Revised photo session” you liked it.

María José en 2012: Sesión de fotos revisitada

2017 photo sessions

2017 photo sessions Victoria Archerphoto professional photographer spain Valencia Madrid

One of the purposes of a photographer’s website is to display the photos he or she does. If not, our pictures have much less public exposure. So from time to time I release some post in which I show some samples of the photo sessions I’ve been doing lately. They are not all I do, of course. Frequently clients want photos to be exclusively used for their promotional use. It is reasonable that some lawyers whom I’ve worked want to keep their images exclusively on their websites. I hope you like them.

2017 photo sessions

Sesiones de fotos en Valencia. Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Marisol
Marisol in València.

Sesiones de fotos en Valencia, Sergi Albir, Archerphoto.
Lucía before San Juan’s church.

Sesiones de fotos . Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Sofía.
Sofía at Gym Rafel X-Force.

In other cases, especially aspiring models, seeing themselves on a photographer’s website can come in handy: it encourages them and occasionally gets them some work.

Sesiones de fotos en Valencia. Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Gema.
Gema in black and white.

Photo sessions for everyone

As many people ask me, I will say that I am not only working for models or companies: if you want to have your personal portraits, whatever your profession, appearance or reason is, I will be happy to work for you. If you need, we will incorporate make-up and hairdressing. We can even look for costumes for your session, whether in studio or outdoors.

photo sessions 2017 professional photographer Valencia Spain
Sara in her photo session in 2017.

sesiones de fotos en 2017 . Fotos de Archerphoto, fotógrafo profesional. Marisol, sesiones de fotos en Valencia
Marisol, sports look.

I usually do photo sessions in València, Madrid, Castellón, Alicante and Barcelona, ​​but it is not uncommon for me to go anywhere else. If you are, I do not know, in Zaragoza, Tarragona, Vitoria or Seville, to say a few places, you can also call me to make a book or to photograph companies.

Contacting is simple: or a Whatsapp to +34 644459753 and we can talk. If you want to see my photos more regularly, the most practical thing is that you come here often (you can subscribe to the RSS) or pass by my Flickr, I usually upload photos every day: http: // flickr .com / photos / archerphoto .

¿Quieres leer este artículo en español?

Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists

Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists

Professional portraits are one of the most interesting jobs that can be performed by a photographer, because if you have a little curiosity, you can learn about people. In this case I was in the office of Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists in Valencia, who are right in Valencia downtown, less than twenty seconds walk from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. That is what I call to be well located.

Matti Ameli and Mar Ortiz, psychologists

But hey, the important fact is that each of them has more than fifteen years of experience in the fields of therapy and coaching, although each of them explained their own specialty technically on their websites:Matti Ameli has while Mar Ortiz has
Matti Ameli

In addition to their private practising, Mar and Matti will occasionally collaborate with me on the issue of photo shoots to improve self-esteem. How? Writing some articles related to the topic. It is very interesting to read the opinion of recognised and valued professionals like them, because they have an accurate perspective, guaranteed by their education and experience. It is a privilege for me to have their articles and I am sure that everyone will find them interesting.

Mar Ortiz

I am Sergi Albir, photographer in Valencia, Spain. If you need professional portraits or a photo session to improve your self-esteem, a mail to or a call to +34 644 459 753 may be the first step.

Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

portrait professional photographer

Such as the mysterious title that heads this post could hide almost anything. Rather not. Rather are some pictures of this year I feel like showing. Some were shot with the EOS 5D Mark III and others with my NX500 that every time I like more. Although the EVIL cameras have their limitations in terms of speed of use (the autofocus is not as fast, and least in my case, because I am usually using manual  lenses and there is nothing like auto-focus with them), I find specially charming it weights a third of my ultra reliable and ultraversatile 5D Mark III.

The point is shooting portraits is one of the disciplines that most attracts us photographers. Though today selfies are very fashionable, the portraits taken by someone else  have additional values. Especially when we photographers shoot, because we look at different ways that most people do not take into account and that factors appear ultimately in the final result. And yes, I have a special fondness for black and white, but I think it’s just a slightly harmful vice, except for some ink manufacturers. In any case, as I hope all the world to see on the computer screen, there is not much problem with it.


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )

Fotografp Valencia retrato

Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
Carlos, 2015

Archerphoto: Professional Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I )
María, 2015


Photographer in Spain: Portraits 2015 (Part I ),portrait photographer
Nadia, 2015


María P. by Archerphoto,portrait photographer

I am Sergi Albir, professional portrait photographer. If you need good pictures, contact me. I work mostly in Valencia, Spain, but if you cover the travel expenses you can count on me anywhere it takes. My email: and my phone with Whatsapp and Telegram, +3464459753

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