Categories of shots

Often, when shooting, models tell me about some interesting picture they remember and comment me they would like to have a similar one. My experience shows that people finally will choose other pictures that the ones they suggested 99% of the time because it has achieved a more natural, spontaneous pose. But it happens people want to explain how was the image they liked and have no image available, but they insist on explaining how it was. So it is interesting to know the name of each camera shot. So we can express ourselves more clearly.

Actually, these are conventions that allow us to talk about the pictures, but one should not adhere to these definitions to know if the shot is good, bad or average. If the photo works, it works, even when does not fit well in a name.

Categories of shots

Very Wide Shot

It is used to locate the model (or the subject we are going to shoot) in the context. It is very common using a wide angle lens -they can get a major angle being closer- for this, but I preferred to shoot Ava  with my 135 mm from afar. I had to shout her to hear me.

Very Wide Shot. Ava Meade by Sergi Albir, professional photographer in Spain.

Wide Shot

The same as above, but the context is slightly  less important. In this case, Renata was doing choreography in a bodybuilding and fitness championship. Although there was no way of technical department playing the music that she had been training with she did not lose her smile in any moment.

Renata Ban. Wide Angle Shot, por Archerphoto, photographer in Spain.

American Shot (Medium Long Shot)

Roughly from the knees. In this pic we can appreciate the nice figure of Roser, but we avoid in this the fan foot and the light stands, and everything else that was in the bottom. 

American Shot. Roser, by Archerphoto, photographer for business in Spain.

Medium Shot

There are two variants from Medium Shot. Roughly chest level or slightly below. Mary’s hair has the maximum prominence with this frame.

Medium Shot. María, by Archerphoto. Video and photography in Spain.

Medium Close Shot

I said, a little above or a little below, the average plane can start from the hip or the sternum. Jessica, in this case appears in an example of the short version of the shot.

Jéssica. Shots in photography and filmmaking. By Archerphoto, corporate photography and video production in Spain.


Close Up

The face is the protagonist, and the look is key. Patricia was fantastic throughout the session, and this was one of the last shots.

Patricia, by Archerphoto. Pro photographer in Europe.

Extreme Close Up

Even closer. Ana’s eyes were particularly interesting, so this framing is thoroughly justified. Some people call it “the Italian Shot”.

Italian Shot. Ana Peris, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain.

Cut in

Obviously here we seek to capture some detail in particular: in this case, the dress designed by Anillarte is noteworthy.

Detail by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain.

By camera placement

Bird Shot

You shoot from a position above the subject. Joana in this case has focused the face and the rest of the body is losing definition, but it is a photographer’s choice (myself, of course). 
Bird's Eye Shot. Joana, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain.

Low Angle Shot

You shoot from below the head of the subject. Some times, from below the hip. I selected this plane in which he showed a little gem with a forced angle, but in many cases is less exaggerated angle shot.

Low Angle Shot. Gema, by Archerphoto, professional photographer in Valencia, Spain, Europe.

Aerial or Zenithal

From above 90 ° soil. Usually uncomfortable shoot well, but Marijose is splendid in this shot with some dramatic tone. 

Aerial Shot. Marijose, by Archerphoto, pro photographer and videographer in Spain.I am a professional photographer. If you need good pictures, contact me. I usually work in Valencia, Spain, but if you cover the travel expenses you can count on me to the South Pole. My mail: , my phone with Whatsapp and Telegram, +34644459753


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