Zsuzsanna Toldi

Zsuzsanna Toldi

I’m not particularly a mythomaniac, but I met Zsuzsanna Toldi at the Arnold Classic in Madrid in 2013. I was there in the Wingold stand with Julio Portet, who should have gone somewhere else, and in the next corridor, almost hidden, Zsuzsanna was letting her dye go dry and preparing for the competition, but far from the area which were the rest of the participants.

Zsuzsanna Toldi, Madrid

A little bit nervous. I talked a couple of seconds with her, I told her she looked gorgeous -quite easy to see- and after a while she went through the stage and won the competition. I was lucky to see her getting the trophy, because I might not have ever noticed that the nervous girl was proclaimed absolute body fitness champion in the Amateur competition.

Zsuzsanna Toldi

In any case already although it would be an exaggeration to say that I know her, yes I can say to find such a woman hidden in a hallway and taking pictures just before proclaimed champion was a kind gift from this Hungarian competitor.

Zsuzsanna Toldi



Zsuzsanna Toldi by Archerphoto, professional photographer

 More pics from Arnold Classic 2013


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